Training and Support for M4 PLANT
M4 PLANT Training Courses
Companies are constantly having to adapt their processes and update their professional know-how to keep up with the pace of technical change in the workplace. Most organisations deploy software solutions that provide an array of efficient, but often complex, functionality. “On the job training” is simply not sufficient where companies need to benefit from a product’s full potential.
Software Support for Maintenance Customers
The simplest, most cost effective way of ensuring that your software is always up to date, plus highly qualified, professional technical support whenever you need it! Maintenance customers receive free software updates and upgrades within the scope of their maintenance contract. This means all fixes, all minor revisions as well as major version upgrades of the software which is under a valid maintenance agreement.
ISO 9001 Certified Quality Management Systems
In order to highlight their commitment to customers and quality, CAD Schroer GmbH’s teams have gained DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 certification for both its training and software support services. Among other requirements, the ISO 9001:2008 quality management systems standard expects organisations to effectively meet the needs of their customers, and constantly review and optimise business processes. These and other important quality criteria were independently assessed by TÜV Nord in Germany, which especially commended the high degree of customer orientation in all of CAD Schroer’s existing processes, where customer feedback has always been critical for product and service optimisation.