Virtual meetings are the future of online meetings

Meeting other people in virtual reality (VR) is no longer a science fiction experience only seen on cinema screens. i4 MEETING already makes it easy to enter the world of virtual meetings.

Cambridge, UK and Pittsford, NY – 11 October 2022: Online meetings have become a crucial aspect of our everyday lives in recent years, whether in our professional lives or in our leisure time. In a corporate setting, video conferencing is a great way for teams to connect and collaborate – either as a meeting or as an informal exchange of ideas.

Virtual meetings in VR

Virtual meetings are the modern form of online meetings

However, several components are still missing for a holistic meeting experience. For example, the common room or place where all participants gather is missing. Equally missing is the realistic experience with the respective product or project that is to be presented or discussed. The solution to this is a virtual meeting. Such an online meeting takes place in a virtual 3D environment. Just as with video conferences, participants can dial in with their PCs, tablets or smartphones. Those who already own VR glasses experience the meeting in an extremely realistic way.

In the virtual meeting itself, you see the other participants in the form of avatars. It is also possible to talk to all participants, for example to discuss the important points of the meeting. The special thing about a virtual meeting is the virtual environment, which can be freely designed from meeting to meeting. For example, the virtual meeting participants can then meet in a factory, plant or building that at that time only exists in the form of 3D CAD data. Of course, this can also be a virtual meeting room or even a showroom for the company’s own products.

Advantages of virtual meetings for a company

If you look at virtual meetings from the perspective of a company, or even from that of a project, they offer great benefits in every project phase. This is because virtual meetings can be used as early as the design stage of a project to immerse the participants together in the 3D design and to realistically experience it. In this way, problems can be identified and solved much earlier. And if colleagues from the assembly or service departments are also brought in, their feedback can be used for production, assembly or maintenance.

Advantages of virtual meetings

From a marketing perspective, virtual showrooms can be created in which companies can present their products permanently in a virtual environment. Here, web browsers offer the possibility of calling up and displaying a virtual environment via the web browser. All that is needed here is a link on the website. The customer can immediately take part in the virtual meeting and experience the products virtually. In this way, entire product experience worlds can be created that underline the innovative character of the company.

The sales department can communicate even better with its customers through a virtual meeting. For example, the salesperson simply meets with his customer in the customer’s building design via a virtual meeting. Here, the customer can not only see the building, but can also experience it with its sophisticated details and special design features. The customer’s early feedback ensures that adjustments are made at the earliest possible stage of the project, which in turn saves a lot of expense.

Even during the realisation of a project, 3D project data can be used in virtual meetings to discuss the current construction progress or to compare it with the design data. During maintenance, the service department can also view any part of a system without having to go there directly. Together with experts, the next steps of a service procedure can be discussed directly at the appropriate location.

Innovative virtual meetings are already a reality

i4 MEETING is a platform for virtual meetings. With it, the virtual meeting has been reinvented because the platform brings all meeting participants together in a virtual 3D environment. Through the available clients, each participant chooses the level of immersion that suits them. With a PC, tablet or smartphone, one can immerse oneself in a virtual meeting from one’s screen. With VR glasses, the participant achieves the highest level of immersion within the virtual meeting environment. The moderator has the option of customising the virtual experience with their own 3D models and changing the meeting room or letting the participants immerse themselves directly in the 3D design data. Learn more about i4 MEETING

Industrial Virtual Meetings

When designing and developing the innovative i4 MEETING virtual meeting solution, the requirements of industry were always foremost in mind. Right from the start, the solution was tested with different models from mechanical and plant engineering. This means that 3D models from different CAD systems can now be viewed together from different locations and large objects such as factories, buildings or plants can be visited virtually.

Better online meetings in virtual reality

Virtual meetings open up space for new ideas

The need for virtual and location-independent meetings can be heard in every industry or cultural sector. Here, ideas can be realised in a completely new way and in an unrestricted form. With each new virtual meeting, i4 MEETING creates a new virtual world that has no boundaries. Here, marketing experts can also let off steam together with designers or artists and create innovative experiences. All that is needed are suitable 3D models and great ideas. This has already been proven at the world-famous music event “moers festival”, where an accompanying exhibition was created in i4 MEETING in which all event visitors could simply immerse themselves online using their browser.

Experience i4 MEETING for yourself now

The possibilities for creating innovative meeting experiences with i4 MEETING are almost limitless. If you would like to experience a virtual meeting with i4 MEETING yourself, several trial meetings with different virtual worlds are available. For trial purposes, users can immerse themselves in virtual worlds with complete factories, plants or buildings. If required, the manufacturer provides interested parties with their own virtual world for trial purposes with their own 3D models.

Already during the design of a project, virtual meetings can be used by project teams to dive into the 3D design and experience it realistically. In this way, problems can be identified and solved much earlier.

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