Free Licenses for Educational and Research Establishments

Please complete the form below, and use the Browse button to upload a photo or a scan of your student ID (JPG or PDF). We only need this to validate your license period. In addition, to create your license, we need the physical address of your computer on which the software will be installed. Your license can be extended, free of charge, each semester.

    Your Student card (front and back side) needs to be uploaded with your application in order for your student license to be created.

    Permitted file types: .jpg .png .gif .pdf. Maximum file size: 2 MB.

    To determine the physical or ethernet address (Host ID) of your Windows PC, which is required to create a licence, download CSG-Hostid.exe and start it. Then copy the determined Host ID into the form field.
    (You must provide a valid Host ID in order for the software to install and run on your machine.)

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